Durham, N.C. – Impacts from this week’s winter weather event are still being felt in Durham County. All non-essential offices for Durham County Government are closed on Thursday, February 20, 2025.
The following services and events have either been cancelled or postponed due to road conditions and safety concerns.
Please note that this page will be updated with other changes as needed. If you need information on other events, programs, or services, reach out to the specific organizer or department for updates.
Durham County Recycling
Due to inclement weather, there will be no recycling collection services on Thursday, February 20 and Friday, February 21, for unincorporated Durham County residents.
Roads must be cleared and safe before collection can resume.
Thursday’s recycling will be picked up on Saturday, February 22, road conditions permitting.
Friday’s recycling will be picked up next Wednesday, February 26.
For updates, download the Durham County Recycles app or visit www.dconc.gov/recycling.
Durham County Convenience Sites
All Durham County Convenience Sites are also closed on Thursday, February 20.
Welcome Baby’s Giving Closet Cancelled on Friday
The staff at Welcome Baby have cancelled Friday’s Giving Closet appointments due to safety concerns for those traveling to downtown from areas of Durham County. Staff are reaching out via text to those with appointments to reschedule.
If you need to contact Welcome Baby staff, call 919-560-7150.
Durham-to-Roxboro Rail Trail Plan Events Postponed
In-person workshop sessions on Wednesday, Feb. 19 & Thursday, Feb. 20, for the Durham-to-Roxboro Rail Trail were postponed due to the winter weather in our area. City of Durham and Durham County staff are working to reschedule and will announce soon.
Please take time to learn more & take our survey at http://durham2roxborotrailplan.com.
Durham County Farmland Preservation Plan Public Engagement
Due to snowy conditions, the Durham Soil and Water Conservation District announced that the Public Engagement Event on the Durham County Farmland Preservation Plan scheduled for Thursday, February 20, at the Bahama Ruritan Club has been postponed.
The event will now be held at 6 p.m. on Thursday, March 6.
The Bahama Ruritan Club is located at 8202 Stagville Road in Bahama. Register to attend here: http://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdjYOoXn2m4j2nujqt1vANNbjNWq7cB286fRGoo-ks_27D2LA/viewform.
For questions about this event, please email Sherry Scully (sscully@dconc.gov) or Magnolia Long (mlong@frcnc.gov).